Tips dan Trik Judi Bola dan Parlay biar Saldo Kalian Ngak Amblas
Tips dan Trik Judi Bola dan Parlay biar Saldo Kalian Ngak Amblas
Blog Article
Butuhwin - Gambling and football are like the right and left nostrils, in other words, they cannot be separated. Where there is football, there is also gambling. Perhaps, since the first time football was created in this world, not long after that gambling or betting in football games also appeared. Some countries prohibit it, such as Indonesia, and some countries also free it, even making gambling companies sponsors of football leagues or clubs.
For those who are still new to soccer gambling, the definition of soccer gambling may only be limited to winning or losing. The bets are also common. Person A supports team A, and person B supports team B. The two teams meet in a match, then A and B bet a certain amount, who will win. The final result of the match between the two teams will determine who between A and B wins the bet.
However, for those who are already pros and already understand the ins and outs of soccer gambling, such as bets are very trivial. Those who are already pros, may switch to soccer gambling which we know as parlay. So what exactly is called parlay?
Parlay is a bet that combines several individual bets in one bet. What is meant by, in the context of soccer gambling, parlay combines several matches to be made into one bet. If in normal soccer gambling we usually bet on only one match, parlay requires us to bet on many matches.
In parlay, the bets we place are not big bets. This is a bit different from regular soccer gambling where we bet on one match. For example, in regular soccer gambling we bet on one match with a nominal of 500 thousand to one million, parlay is only 20 thousand. Why? Because if our parlay bet wins, the nominal will be multiplied several times, depending on how many matches we bet on.
Of course with the note, all the matches we bet on in the parlay must be correct. For example, we play parlay by betting 10 matches. If you want a jackpot, then all 10 matches must be correct. If there is even one match that is guessed wrong, we lose. Rungkad!
Well, therefore, this article will try to provide tips and tricks for playing soccer gambling and parlay. Especially when the World Cup is coming, who knows you have money to burn and are immune to your wife's screams. To get these tips and tricks, I asked my friend who has played soccer gambling and parlay. Let's call my friend Andri (pseudonym), a businessman in the livestock sector. And these are the tips and tricks.
#1 Understand match analysis and statistics
In playing soccer gambling or parlay, understanding match analysis and statistics is a big capital. What I mean is, how can we bet on a soccer match, but we don't know the teams we are betting on. We have to know who the key players are, how they play, and what the track record is for the last few matches.
Especially if we play parlay which involves many matches, and parlay rules that require 100 percent accuracy. So, understanding match analysis and statistics must really be considered. If not, don't expect to win.
#2 Don't bet on your favorite team
This may be an unwritten rule for every gambler. Betting on your favorite team is too risky, no matter how confident you are. Yes, if your favorite team is doing well and consistently, what if it's bad? It would be stupid to keep betting on your favorite team.
For example, if you are a Manchester United supporter, then never bet on Manchester United when they are playing. It's useless. In addition to feeling sad because MU has had a hard time winning, you will also always be depressed and broken, plus heartbroken. Your favorite team has lost, and your bet has also been lost. The misery will be double.
#3 If you gamble on regular soccer, bet on small leagues or teams
If you are still an amateur gambler with a capital of tens or hundreds of thousands, you should gamble on small teams or leagues. It's nothing, if it's big teams and big leagues, the gamblers are not ordinary gamblers. They are all big gamblers, prone to being manipulated. Your potential to win will be small.
This is different when you gamble on small teams or leagues, then you will meet amateur gamblers with not much capital. If you win, you will still get the money, and if you lose, you won't be too miserable. Try betting on the Nigerian League, Kenyan League, or lesser-known leagues, anyway.
#4 If you gamble on parlays, bet on big matches
This is the difference between regular soccer gambling and parlays. In parlays, the accuracy of guesses is number one. So, big matches or games are the easiest to bet on. Because, in big matches or matches (big matches) we usually already know the final result. For example, when Manchester City plays against Manchester United, we definitely already know that Manchester City will absolutely, without a doubt, win. Or at least, betting City to score that many goals is reasonable. So, if you play parlay gambling, choose a big match that already knows the result.
#5 Don't gamble on the final result too often
This is what's unique about soccer gambling. We are not only asked to guess the final result, but we can also gamble with strange bets. For example, who will get the corner kick first, who will get the throw-in first, and who will get the yellow card first. And this is interesting to gamble on.
If we often think of gambling as a fun activity, there's nothing wrong with trying this gambling. Don't keep guessing the final result. It's not fun. But remember, if you gamble on a throw-in, a corner kick, don't bet too much.
#6 Don't be too optimistic
Optimism is good, but it's too risky in gambling. Why? Because if we are too optimistic about gambling, especially with a large amount, we usually forget to consider the risk of losing. What happens? Losing, losing is not playing. Therefore, gamble moderately, as much as you can, don't be too optimistic. Just admit that in gambling, the potential for losing is sometimes greater than the potential for winning.
#7 Don't get addicted
Remember, there is nothing good about gambling addiction. There is no such thing as a rich person from gambling, unless you are a big bookie who has connections everywhere. So, stop in time. If you win big or lose big, stop immediately. Believe me, the biggest enemy of gamblers is the passion and lust that is within them.
Those are at least seven tips and tricks for playing soccer gambling and parlay. Why are there no technical gambling tips and tricks? Indeed, because the technical ones are often disappointed. Whether it's a 1×2 bet, over-under, or whatever. Just adjust it to your understanding of that.